The D.I.Y. Collection by studioA27 launched in Tokyo

The D.I.Y. Collection designed by studioA27 (Design Studio Lars Vejen & Taijiro Ishiko Design) was on 5th-7th of March 2020 launched at the International Gift Show in Tokyo Big Site! The concept behind the series is to bring attention to the carefully crafted and ultimate quality strings by T.S. Brand (Fuji, Japan) and use these […]
RHANDERS launches design collaboration with Lars Vejen

RHANDERS launches a new product line designed by Lars Vejen. Founded in 1811, RHANDERS is one of the finest and longest standing glove-makers in the world. Originally named Randers Garveri & Handskefabrik, then shortened to Randers Handskefabrik and later Randers Handsker, the company has delivered gloves and leather goods to royal families since its inception. […]